Profile`s Status

# Profile`s Status

# Status inquiry


  1. On the Profile → Fleet (opens new window) page list, you can search for specific profile data using criteria like ICCID. Clicking on the "Detail" button on the right side will open a pop-up window displaying all the status change records for the current profile. profile-status
  2. On the Logs → Profile (opens new window) Logs page, you can view the status change records for all profiles. It also provides information on the reasons for any errors encountered in exceptional situations. profile-status

# Status diagram


Status Description
AVAILABLE Indicating that the profile is ready for the user to download. The AVAILABLE status is assigned in two situations:
1) after generating or regenerating the AC,
2) when the user deletes the profile from the device.
DOWNLOADED The "Downloaded" status indicates that the eSIM has been successfully downloaded to the device from a remote server, but it has not been installed or activated yet.
INSTALLED The "INSTALLED" status indicates that the eSIM has been successfully installed in the device but has not yet been activated or enabled.
ENABLED The "enable" status means that the eSIM has been activated and is ready for use, allowing it to connect to the network and provide communication services.
DISABLED The "disabled" status signifies that the phone number is currently inactive or not operational. This means that the phone number on the eSIM cannot be used for network connectivity or communication at the moment. However, it is possible to re-enable or activate it in the future.
DELETED The "delete" status means the phone number on the eSIM has been permanently removed. It is no longer usable for communication or network connectivity.
REMOVED The generated AC and profile have been deleted from the platform. Importing the profile again can generate a new AC.
EXPIRED The status after calling the ES2+ EXPIRED interface is "expired".
CANCELED The status after calling the ES2+ Cancel interface is "CANCELED".