Quick Start

# Quick Start

# Authentication

The user needs first to access the Developer module of the IoT Platform Management Portal (opens new window) to obtain the public key and secret key. Then construct the request header based on the request parameters defined in Appendix 1.

# Overview

# Import Device and AC

The user needs to call the Batch Import Device interface to batch import devices, and call the Batch Import AC interface to batch import AC data into the IoT platform. After successful import, the platform will return a batch task ID.
The user then needs to call the Query Batch Task Result interface to query the IoT platform for the execution results of the batch task. The resulting file contains the task execution results and error causes in case of failure. The successful imported devices and AC data will be displayed in the device fleet and AC fleet pages of the platform.

# Allocate AC

The platform allows the user to individually or batch allocate the successfully imported AC(s) to the existing devices in the system by this interface. Before this step, you need to import batch devices and AC data to the IoT platform.

After successful import, you can call the interface Allocate AC to allocate ACs for devices. After allocation, call the Query Batch Task Result interface to query the results by the task ID.

The platform will generate a download task for each device that has been successfully allocated AC. Once the devices are powered on, they will execute the AC download task and then enable the profile.

# Profile management

After the device has downloaded one or more ACs, the platform allows the user to perform operations of switching or deleting the Profile on the device by the interface Switch Profile and Delete Profile. Additionally, the platform also supports adding a new Profile for a specific device.