Single Generate AC
# Single Generate AC
Simlessly API (v1.0.0): Single Generate AC
# POST (opens new window)
# Parameters of Request
Name | Type | MOC | Description | Example |
iccid | String | Mandatory | ICCID (length: 19-20) | 89860468152080349618 |
imsi | String | Mandatory | IMSI (length: 15) | 460048867619618 |
ki | String | Mandatory | KI (32 bits, HEX) | 6BE2053E8580B135CD43443380DB7111 |
opc | String | Optional | OPC(32 bits, HEX) | eg: 85304194B0D2A2F92847F1594529F6AA, Can be null when the configuration type is Conformance Test |
msidn | String | Optional | MSIDN(15HEX) | 8613912345678 |
impi | String | Optional | IMS Param | |
impu | List(String) | Optional | IMS Param | [""] |
c9 | String | Optional | Applet Param | 0C3C0302984D3E05212B9A81FC07992113329595FF0400080520 |
cc | String | Optional | Confirm Code | 1234 |
expireTime | String | Optional | Applet Param, The format: yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss | 2023-03-07 12:00:00 |
configName | String | Mandatory | Configuration name in Simlessly platform | templateRegualr01 |
encryptionMode | Integer | Optional | Default value is 1 (plaintext) when not filed | / |
needAcLink | Boolean | Optional | Whether to return Ac Link. Defaults to false. | true |
# Example of Request
"iccid": " 89860468152080349618",
"imsi": " 460048867619618",
"ki": " 6BE2053E8580B135CD43443380DB7111",
"opc": " 85304194B0D2A2F92847F1594529F6AA",
"msidn": " 8613912345678",
"impi": "",
"impu": [""],
"c9": " 0C3C0302984D3E05212B9A81FC07992113329595FF0400080520",
"cc": " 1234",
"expireTime": " 2023-03-07 12:00:00",
"configName": " templateRegualr01",
"encryptionMode": 1,
"needAcLink": true
# Parameters of Response
Name | Type | MOC | Description | Example |
iccid | String | Mandatory | ICCID (length: 19-20) | 89860468152080349618 |
activationCode | String | Optional | AC | 1$$CE261FCF57EFCB7C492DD8ECF43C5ADD |
acLink | String | Optional | The link address of the QR Code | |
# Example of Response
"iccid": "89860468152080348700",
"activationCode": "1$$CE261FCF57EFCB7C492DD8ECF43C5ADD",
"acLink": ""
"success": true,
"msg": "",
"code": "00000"