Batch Import AC

# Batch Import AC

This function is used to import ACs in batches. The system will automatically generate ACs based on the imported data.

# POST (opens new window)

# Request Body Structure

Name Type MOC Description Example
acInfos List< Object> M AC list, size 1-500 See below
Name Type MOC Description Example
iccid String M ICCID 89860468152080349618
ac String M AC 123456789012345
apn String M APN apn
cc String O CC cc
group String O AC Group Name group
mon String O MNO mon

# Request Body Example

    "acInfos": [
            "iccid": "89860468152080349618",
            "ac": "123456789012345",
            "apn": "apn",
            "cc": "cc",
            "group": "group",
            "mon": "mon"

# Response Body Structure

Name Type MOC Description Example
batchId Long M Batch ID 123456789012345

# Response Body Example

    "status": 200,
    "success": true,  
    "msg": "",
    "obj": {
        "batchId": 123456789012345