Query Device List

# Query Device List

This API is used to query the device list.


https://eim.simlessly.com/api/v1/open/esim/device/list (opens new window)

# Request Body Structure

Name Type MOC Description Example
pageNum Integer M Page number 1
pageSize Integer M Number of records per page 10
eid String O Embedded SIM (eUICC) ID 89001000000000000000000000000000
imei String O IMEI 111112111111400

# Request Parameters

    "eid":  "",
    "imei": ""

# Response Body Structure

Parameters Type MOC Description Example
pageData List< OpenDeviceResp> M Device list See below

# OpenDeviceResp

Name Type MOC Description Example
eid String M Embedded SIM (eUICC) ID 89001000000000000000000000000000
imei String O IMEI 111112111111400
deviceProfileStatus String M Device profile status ENABLE
profileNumber Integer O Profile number 1
organization String O Organization name organization
groupName String O Group name groupName1
profileInfoList List< OpenDeviceResp.ProfileInfo> O Profile information list See below

# OpenDeviceResp.ProfileInfo

Name Type MOC Description Example
iccid String M ICCID 89148000007829999354
operator String O Operator China Mobile
status String M Status IDLE

# Response Body Example

    "pageData": [
            "eid": "89001000000000000000000000000000",
            "imei": "111112111111400",
            "deviceProfileStatus": "ENABLE",
            "profileNumber": 1,
            "organization": "organization",
            "groupName": "groupName1",
            "profileInfoList": [
                    "iccid": "89148000007829999354",
                    "operator": "China Mobile",
                    "status": "IDLE"