Get Device Sims Detail

# Get Device Sims Detail

Http Method: POST URL: {BaseUrl}/api/v1/external/device/sim/details

# Description

It is used to retrieve SIM information for multi-devices.

# Request Parameters:

Parameters Type Mandatory/Optional Description
eidList List C Embedded SIM (eUICC) ID List. The per length is 32 characters. One of the fields eid, iccid, or imsi is mandatory, while the other fields should be left empty.
iccidList List C ICCID List identifier of the SIM.The per length is 18-20 characters. One of the fields eid, iccid, or imsi is mandatory, while the other fields should be left empty.
imsiList List C The SIM IMSI List.The per length is 15 characters. One of the fields eid, iccid, or imsi is mandatory, while the other fields should be left empty.

# Example of Request

    "eidList": ["89001000000000000000000000000000"],
    "iccidList": [""],
    "imsiList": [""]

# Response Parameters

Parameters Type Mandatory/Optional Description
deviceList List M Device SIM information list.
eid string M Embedded SIM (eUICC) ID.
imei string O The device IMEI.
sims List M Device SIM information list.
iccid string M ICCID identifier of the SIM.
imsi string O The SIM IMSI.
state string M The current status of the SIM card.
profileStatus string M For eUICC SIM cards, this specifies the subscription status as either "Enabled" or "Disabled."
mno string M The MNO name of the SIM card.
msisdn string O The unique SIM phone number
rataPlan string C The name of a rate plan
dataUsage long O Data usage during the current month
activatedDate string O The date when the device was first activated.
lastSessionTime string O The time when the current or most recent data session began.
lastIpAdress string O The last allocated Internet Protocol address.
lastCountry string O The last allocated country.

# Example of Response

    "deviceList": [
            "eid": "89001000000000000000000000000000",
            "imei": "123456789012345",
            "sims": [
                    "iccid": "89860468152080349618",
                    "imsi": "460040000000000",
                    "state": "Active",
                    "profileStatus": "Enabled",
                    "mno": "China Mobile",
                    "msisdn": "8613800000000",
                    "rataPlan": "China Mobile 1GB",
                    "dataUsage": 1024,
                    "activatedDate": "2020-01-01 00:00:00",
                    "lastSessionTime": "2020-01-01 00:00:00",
                    "lastIpAdress": "",
                    "lastCountry": "China"