Get Access Token

# Get Access Token

Base URL:

Http Method: POST

# Description

Please obtain the "clientId" and "clientSecret" fields on the developer page. Each clientId can only retrieve the device and ICCID information within the department scope of the corresponding user account.

# Request Header Parameters:

Parameters Type Mandatory/Optional Description
clientId string M Client access key, the length is 32 characters
clientSecret string M Client access secret, the length is 32 characters

# Example of Request

    "clientId": "5e4daa7f2d434902b14954e3a3d98b6f",
    "clientSecret": "a362cbea7c734fb3b985421b6f9da8a0"

# Response Parameters

Parameters Type Mandatory/Optional Description
token string M Access token
tokenType string M token type, default "Bearer"
expireIn string M token expiration time, default 3600 in seconds

# Example of Response

    "token": "af834e60cf53450ba9588e0bc04f65c1",
    "tokenType": "Bearer",
    "expireIn": "3600"